How to create a DAO using Aragon [FREE]

Alex Freeman
3 min readJun 30, 2021

How to create a Decentralised Autonomous Organisation using Aragon.Org

I personally found it really hard to work out how to create a DAO using any of the available tools. In retrospect it is quite easy. I hope this guide helps you avoid the pain I experienced.

If you want to learn and experiment with DAOs you can do it free.

You can create a free DAO by using a test environment instead on the real Ethereum Blockchain.

For beginners, the test blockchain is called the “Rinkeby Testnet”. The real Ethereum Blockchain is called the “ETH Mainnet”

On the Rinkeby Testnet you can be given free test ETH, these are useless on the ETH Mainnet. Instructions for getting the free Rinkby ETH are here…

Now you have some test ETH, go to

Click on the Connect Account button and connect to the wallet with the test ETH in it.

Select “Ethereum Testnet (Rinkeby) from the dropdown.

Select Create an organisation

Select the organisation type you want. I used Company. Click “use this template”

Choose an org name and click “Next”

As I will be testing I set low thresholds for votes and vote duration

Pick a token name and add some wallet addresses to issue your tokens to

Click “Launch Your Organisation”

Now the transaction to set up the DAO will begin.

First the tokens get created. Click confirm (this example I am using a Metamask Wallet).

Next the org get created. Click confirm.

Welcome DAO’n the rabbit hole!

Your DAO is set up! w00t!!

Now we need to learn how to actually use it! ha ha



Alex Freeman

Living Vicariously Through Myself - Corporate Innovation Advisor - Investor via Titan Ventures - Masters of AI student